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In order to allow all customers to better understand each unique Australian physical massage technique, the following is a detailed explanation of each massage technique. If you still don’t know which massage course is suitable for you, don’t worry! Our professional masseuses will help you After a comprehensive assessment, we will help you choose the course that suits you.

Myofascial Release & Deep Tissue Massage

Fascia is one of the most important soft tissues in the human body; it is divided into superficial, deep and visceral fascia. Myofasical Release massage focuses on the treatment of superficial fascia adhesions, while Deep Tissue Massage covers a wider range of treatments; such as: superficial and deep muscles, deep fascia, tendons and tendons. Ligaments and other soft tissues. When masseurs use this type of massage technique, they sometimes add some mild stretching movements to increase the elasticity and tension of the muscles, and at the same time increase the flexibility of the joints.

Fascia relaxation and deep muscle massage are suitable for anyone with problems related to muscles, fascia, joints and ligaments

This massage technique is suitable for the following groups:

Sitting and standing for long periods of time

occupational injuries

Shoulder and neck pain/back pain/lumbar pain

Frozen shoulders

Tennis Elbow/Golfer’s Elbow/Epital Tunnel Syndrome


bulging disc

Sciatica, etc.

Myofascial Cupping 

Western-style myofascial cupping uses professional instruments. It is different from traditional cupping which requires the use of fire, so it is relatively safe. It is also different from Chinese cupping which focuses on the meridians and acupuncture points. Western-style myofascial cupping is for faster relief. Relaxation of superficial muscles and superficial fascia. After cupping, the masseur can more efficiently soothe deeper muscles. Because Western cupping focuses on the relaxation of superficial muscles and fascia, there will be no unsightly cupping on the body. seal, also reducing the risk of infection.

Western-style myofascial cupping technology usually assists and enhances the effect of other massage techniques, but not everyone is suitable for this technology, such as people with skin wounds, people with dermatitis or advanced diabetes, so masseurs must Assess your current physical condition in advance to decide whether to undergo cupping that day.

Scar Tissue Release

Whether you have surgery, cuts, burns, caesarean section or other trauma, after treatment and repair, you will definitely have scars that cannot disappear; it depends on the depth, size, location, and surrounding areas of the scar. The extent of the soft tissue, the age of the scar, and even the patient's muscle and fascial health and daily routine will affect the degree of scar adhesion.

Mild scar adhesion may cause local, slight pain and pulling sensations in the skin and muscles of the affected area; while severe scar adhesion may cause widespread muscle stiffness and joint pain, and may even affect walking posture and Daily routine.

Scar Tissue Release massage can promote blood circulation in the affected area and nearby soft tissues, increase muscle elasticity in the affected area, and improve the health of superficial and deep fascia, thereby relieving pain and discomfort, and can also help reduce muscle atrophy in the affected area.

Sports Massage

Sports massage includes three techniques; 1. Pre-exercise 2. Post-exercise 3. Sport injury massage

1. Pre-exercise

The massage technique before exercise is relatively rough and fast. This is to relax the superficial fascia, soften the muscle fibers and increase the mobility of the joints, so that more oxygen can reach the muscle fiber cells. This can prevent sports injuries and also can shorten muscle repair time. If you are an athlete or a competitor, you can choose this specific massage a few days before you are going to participate in an event or competition (in principle, 2-3 days before) to help you achieve your desired goals.

2. Post-exercise

Post-exercise massage is also a relatively fast technique, but the force will be deeper than pre-exercise massage; usually some stretching movements are added during the massage process to allow the lactic acid in the muscle fibers to be discharged more quickly, stimulate blood circulation, which can speed up muscle repair time; massage techniques after exercise can also promote the health of fascia & increase muscle elasticity and tension.

3. Sport injuries massage

Sports injuries includes two completely different techniques: A. acute & B. chronic.


Acute sport injuries massage is a specific sports massage technique given to the affected area within 36 hours to 7 days after the injury. This professional technique can reduce the physical discomfort caused by sports injuries; but if your injury is too serious, It is still recommended that you find a specialized doctor for the first step of treatment, so as not to miss the golden treatment period.

B. chronic.

Long-term sports injuries refer to old injuries or repeated injuries to the same body part, which mostly occur in general occupational injuries or athletes. The sport injuries massage technique for after long-term sports injuries is relatively slow and deep. This is to achieve deeper muscle relaxation and relief, separate long-term sticky fascia, and increase local blood circulation and promote muscle growth. Fiber elasticity and joint mobility.

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy is a very important process for every pregnant woman. However, every pregnant woman's physical condition is different, so we especially want to take care of the hard-working mothers-to-be in each case. Support needed during pregnancy, regardless of physical or psychological changes and effects.

We have a massage bed that is purely handmade in Australia and unique in Taiwan. It is specially designed for pregnant women; it is also the only massage bed for pregnant women recommended by the Australian Pregnant Massage Association. The unique design and materials can greatly improve the quality of expectant mothers. Our massage during pregnancy is safe and comfortable; coupled with professional Australian pregnancy massage techniques, it can effectively and quickly put pregnant women into a relaxed state, effectively relieving muscle tension, backache, insomnia, etc. during pregnancy.

Problems such as edema, cramps, and even unmanageable pubic pain.


To ensure your safety, if you are in the early stages of pregnancy (from the first week to the twelfth week), before you book a pregnancy massage (especially for the first time), please ask your obstetrician and gynecologist or It is your family doctor who can determine whether you are suitable for massage at this stage.

If you have one or more of the following symptoms, it is recommended that you do not receive massage first:

-- People who often feel nauseous, vomiting or have severe morning sickness

-- Those who have had a miscarriage

-- High-risk groups, such as those with preeclampsia or high blood pressure

-- Those with blood clot problems, such as deep vein thrombosis

-- Those who have stomach or lower abdominal pain

-- People with vaginal bleeding

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is a very professional massage technique. It can relieve body edema, stimulate body water circulation and maintain a healthy balance of the immune system. Although lymphatic drainage massage is a beneficial action for the body, it is not suitable for certain groups of people. For those of you, it is best to consult your family physician or specialist physician before making an appointment, such as:

-- Cancer patients undergoing treatment

-- Recent history of infection

-- Recent history of inflammation

-- Heart diseases

-- Kidney diseases

-- Severe varicose veins

-- History of tuberculosis

-- People with asthma/asthma

-- People with low blood pressure


A positive response to lymphatic drainage massage depends on whether the masseur has received formal professional training and has professional knowledge of the human body structure. These will directly affect the response after lymphatic drainage massage.

Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage is a very special and very helpful health care and soothing massage technology for cancer patients. This professional massage technology has more than 20 years of history and experience accumulated abroad; such as the United States and Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries. However, very few people in Taiwan know such a unique massage technique, let alone have very few masseurs who know this specialized technique.

So what is Oncology Massage? It is based on scientific evidence and positive medical research results, coupled with thousands of medical personnel from many countries; such as oncology, radiology, rehabilitation, internal medicine, infectious diseases, internal medicine, etc. A new massage technology developed by surgeons, psychosomatic doctors and nursing staff, as well as physical therapy masseurs’ years of clinical experience, accumulation of experience, and observation of patients’ reactions and feedback.

The massage technique for cancer patients is very light, gentle and slow, but because each patient's physical condition is different, the technique is different every time; this special massage technique is to stimulate our nerve interceptors (interceptors) , and then allow our body to achieve deep relaxation. When our body reaches true and complete relaxation, the body will produce some changes that are beneficial to the human body, especially for cancer patients, which is of great help; such as relieving pain and alleviating anxiety. Feeling of uneasiness, reducing muscle tension and increasing elasticity of skin and superficial fascia.

Massage for Seniors

Elderly people often suffer from soreness and weakness in neck, waist, back, and leg muscles and joints due to some chronic diseases, reduced muscle endurance, loss of collagen, and degeneration of joint soft tissue, and may even cause numbness and pain that compresses nerves. What’s more, the more common situation is that the elders in the family are often troubled by these discomforts, which in turn affects their activity level, quality of life, quality of sleep, digestive system, and even mental health, this enters a bad vicious cycle. The more immobile the body is, the faster it will age and degenerate.

"Fall" injuries are the most common trauma among seniors. It is also one of the things that the elderly are most worried and afraid of, because usually a small fall can cause serious injuries to the elderly, such as fractures, hitting the head, etc., and even causing death; therefore, healthy fascia, good muscle endurance and muscle elasticity are very important for seniors, because they can help improve Joint flexibility and body balance, thereby reducing the possibility of falls.

Exercise can help seniors improve the health of fascia and increase muscle endurance, while professional myofascial massage uses a passive method to improve the health of fascia and the elasticity of muscles; more importantly, massage can also promote circulation throughout the body. Metabolism, especially for those elderly who cannot exercise; myofascial massage is also very important for seniors with exercise habits, because when you exercise, your body is prone to the accumulation of lactic acid and exercise metabolism, it can help the discharge of these wastes, thereby maintaining the health of fascia and muscles.

When seniors or you want to book a myofascial massage course for the elderly in your family, it is particularly important to choose a professional masseur with rich medical knowledge and clinical experience, because if the masseur does not have enough knowledge with experience, it is possible that secondary injuries may be caused to the elderly during the massage process.

Abdominal Massage

Abdominal massage can relieve some common digestive system problems; such as flatulence, indigestion and constipation. Some women can also relieve menstrual pain by massaging their abdomen when their menstruation is about to end. There are also two benefits of abdominal massage that few people know about, but they are very important in helping human health;

1. Relax the tension of visceral fascia

The internal organs in our human body are covered with visceral fascia. They are the deepest fascia in the human body; they transmit water, nutrients, information and protect internal organs. Modern people live under stress with unhealthy diet and change in habits have led to imbalances in the visceral functions of some people, which in turn makes the visceral fascia tight; or the visceral functions of some patients and the elderly have slowed down, causing the visceral fascia to lose elasticity; professional abdominal massage can increase the elasticity of the visceral fascia. health.

2. Stimulate the lymphatic system

Part of the lymphatic system in our body is in the intestines; and the most important lymphatic vessels are also located in our abdomen, so professional abdominal massage can stimulate the lymphatic system.

Diaphragm Release

The diaphragm is an important muscle that helps assist breathing. It may be caused by factors such as constant stress, car accidents, poor posture, and mechanical dysfunction in the chest. The diaphragm is unable to expand and relax normally. In the long run, this layer of muscle will become tight and lose its elasticity, which will affect breathing, causing chest tightness and chest tightness; some cases may even cause upper back pain or low back pain.

Diaphragm release massage is a rare massage technique in Taiwan; because it involves the muscle tissue of the chest and abdomen, please find a professional masseur to handle it.

Rib Cage Release

The ribs are closely connected to the thoracic vertebrae of our body; the ribs, intercostal muscles (small muscles between ribs) and the strong fascia covering them form an important protective shield to protect the heart, lungs and other organize.

The main purpose of rib cage release massage is to relax the intercostal muscles and the strong rib fascia; both of which may be caused by car accident trauma, severe hunchback, severe scoliosis, long-term asthma, poor chest or diaphragm function. Symptoms such as insufficiency lead to tightness of the intercostal muscles or rib fascia, which may cause chest tightness, chest pain, lower rib pain, upper back pain, or shoulder and neck stiffness.

Rib cage release massage is often used in conjunction with diaphragm release massage techniques.

TMJ joint Release

Temporomandibular Joints Disorders (Temporomandibular Joints Disorders) is a musculoskeletal problem that is relatively unknown in Taiwan. Temporomandibular joint disorders and discomfort are caused by gum and oral problems, chewing problems, inertial jaw dislocation, severe chin protrusion, tight shoulder and neck muscles, the habit of clenching and grinding teeth due to stress, and in a few cases, it is even caused by strong impact in car accidents, injuries to the face or jaw, etc., can cause tension in the risorius and masseter muscles of the face, causing discomfort in the temporomandibular joint. People with temporomandibular joint disorders often cause other symptoms; such as gum pain, jaw pain, headache (especially at the temple), eye pain, tinnitus, shoulder and neck pain, etc.

Temporomandibular joint release massage is usually only used on the face and neck (sometimes the head is also massaged).

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