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Important information that you should know before booking a massage ​

  • All appointments must be made advance.

  • It is important that you arrive on time for your appointment. Late arrival will result in reduced session time; however, the full session fee will still be charged.

  • If you are under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must sign a consent letter and also be present during the session.

  • Our policy for first trimester pregnancy massage is that a Doctor, Obstetrician, Gynecologist or midwife's permission is required. Permission is also needed for all trimesters if you are in a high risk category.  

  • For your convenience, you only need to choose the duration of the massage, the therapist will custom-made a treatment plan for you depending on your body conditions.

​為了讓您能更順利地完成預約, 請注意以下的預約步驟

1. 請先選擇服務項目或直接選時間

2. 到達預約畫面後, 

 網頁版: 直接在"篩選方式" 旁的"員工" 選擇您想要的按摩師, 然後點選查看您想要的時段後繼續完成接下的步驟.

手機版: 先點"篩選條件", 然後會進入下一頁面, 再勾選您想要的按摩師, 然後按"套用", 然後點選查看您想要的時段後繼續完成接下的步驟.

Make an appointment with the massage course you prefer; or simply select the length of the massage course. Our masseurs will provide a suitable course for you after consulting your physical condition.
​(Please book 75mins or 90mins for your first appointment)
simply select the length of the massage course
​(Please book 75mins or 90mins for your first appointment)
105 mins massage section is not suitable for first visit.
120 mins massage section is not suitable for first visit.
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