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FQA Part 2

For Oncology Massage


1. Q: What is oncology massage?

Oncology massage is a customized and specific massage technique that has been designed and developed for someone in treatment for cancer or with a history of cancer.

Oncology massage is a form of systematic touch, a skilled touch, a gentle and safe massage. It is also an effective treatment that can generally reduce the side effects in both short and long term from surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and other cancer treatments.

2. Q: Does massage spread cancer?

The answer is NO. Over twenty years ago, cancer patients were being told that they cannot have a massage at all, because massage can increase the circulation of the body which might spread the cancer cells. However, daily exercise was one of the most common recommendations to patients by oncologists. As we all know, exercise can increase circulation. Therefore, cancer patients not being recommended to have massage treatments was a misconception due to lack of understanding of cancer.


In fact, oncology massage has great therapeutic benefits for people who live with cancer or had a history of cancer. The benefits of oncology massage include to increase relaxation, reduce pain, improve mobility of joints, increase healthy muscle tone, reduce cortisol (stress hormone), enhance production of serotonin (happy hormone), normalize endocrine functions and so on.


3. Q: Do I need a doctor’s permission to proceed with massage?


If you have lived with cancer or had a history of cancer you should always consult with your doctors, GP, or oncologists when considering having an oncology massage. After your physician has given permission to you to have massage treatments, you should ensure that you research and find the appropriate therapist who has trained in oncology massage.


4. Q: Is it important for my massage therapist to have oncology massage training?

Yes, a trained oncology massage therapist will have better understanding and knowledge of the pathology of cancer, and more experience in dealing with side effects of cancer treatments, therefore, he or she will make safe adjustments for your massage treatment.

For safety reasons and for better treatment outcomes, cancer patients should only be massaged by qualified and trained oncology massage

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