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There are a few reasons why you should choose AHM

The Therapist

​Melissa is fully qualified massage therapist and registered with one of major massage organizations in Australian.

High standard of hygiene level

Australian Holistic Massage provides a combination of various massage techniques and treatment methods that includes Oncology Massage technique. As we all know, due to cancer treatments and recovering from the illness, cancer patients' bodies can be fragile, and their immune system is compromised from those toxic chemical drugs and emotional stress. Therefore, a high standard of environmental hygiene is very important for cancer patients who are having chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or immunotherapy treatments, or before and after a surgery, even recovering from cancer over a number of years. We maintain hygiene levels higher than other ordinary massage shops through ensuring:

* The therapist maintains good personal hygiene practice.

* The therapist maintains good Hand Hygiene practice.

* The therapist has an infection control training.

* Use of TGA/WHO formula of minimum 80% ethanol sanitiser spray of all surfaces between clients.

.* Changing towels or linen and face covers between clients. We DO NOT reuse towels or linen; and

The massage oil we use

We use high quality edible sweet almond oil which is recommended by Oncology Massage Training Australia. Sweet almond oil is seeded oil, NOT nut oil. It is cold pressed from seeds of the almond trees. The almond oil possesses high quality Vitamin E, which is a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant. This is particularly helpful for cancer patients because their immune system is compromised with cancer drugs and their bodies are fragile as well as their skin, so the quality of the massage oil plays a vital role for their recovery process and well-being. As we all know, skin is our largest organ of the body, therefore using high quality sweet almond oil to massage, people can nourish their skin and let their bodies absorb the nutrition from the oil.

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